Saturday, September 26, 2009


Just started a part time security gig working the USC football games and concerts/events. So far so good. Worked the USC games against Florida Atlantic and Ole Miss. Also worked the Zac Brown band concert in Simpsonville last night... It was a good concert and a lot of rowdy drunks but no problems. I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories to tell as this goes along! lol Got a few already...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

oh the humanity...

Forgive me Father for I have sinned... I said I was going to keep up with this blog...well I havent been, but big time updates coming soon...I promise!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Howdy Friends and neighbors!

Don't know why I used that title but I have always liked Well Week 2 of school started today and things are going pretty well. Only got 4 assignments back so far and they have all been in political science. A, A, A+, A+ so I wish I could just be done know and have that 4.0 haha... They were just homework and weekly stuff for the online course, so no need to get excited yet. Just got back from working out at the YMCA. Nice 45 minutes split between the treadmill and the stationary bike. There was actually a woman there complaining to the staff that it was too hot and they needed to turn the AC down! Uh, hello isnt part of the point to sweat when you work out? I know my big ass sweats just walking in to the joint! I just thought it was funny someone was actually complaining about being hot when they were working out. Today was also Day 12 since I quit smoking! It has been a pain, but absolutely neccessary to get back in shape and do what I need to do. Dumbest thing I ever did was start, and did'nt start until 21. You would think if I made it through high school and beyond I would have never started, but stupidity knows no bounds I guess!

Philosphy class has been probably my most interesting class this semester. Only about 9 of us in the class, but we have some good conversations. Kind of hard to "philosiphise" at 8:00 am, but i've always been a morning person anyway! Of course the only people who seem to actually talk are me, another lady and the teacher..haha, but we have a good time. The first night of FBI citizen's academy was last Thursday and it was very informative. They fed us a nice dinner and the assistant director gave us a brief history on the FBI. We also toured the facility here in Columbia, well most of it ;)This week the First assistant to the district attorney will be speaking on the role of the US attorney and a special agent will be giving a polygraph demonstration.

Until Next Time,

Jason Owen

Sunday, May 17, 2009

And It Begins...

Well after waiting for so long I am officially starting back to school this week. Hopefully 6 or 7 months from now I will finally be finishing my Associates degree in Criminal Justice. Also starting the F.B.I Citizen's Academy Thursday night. Looking forward to both of these new adventures. Will try and keep my blog updated as best as I can, but I can tell from my Political Science orientation I will be writing ALOT

Other than that not much else has been going on. Went to the Darlington Sprint Cup race last weekend and had a blast! This was about my 3rd or 4th time going and Darlington is always alot of fun!

Just wanted to drop a quick note to let everyone who cares what is going on. Feel free to email me at anytime!

Take Care,


Thursday, April 30, 2009

More Citizen's Academy

Just a couple of pictures they took at the graduation dinner. We got together as a class and got Deputy Steegal a plaque to show our appreciation. I got to present it to him. I'm sure the Academy Awards will be calling nay day now.. "The winner for best new picture goes to.." haha

Take Care,


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Catching Up

Been kind of busy lately. School starts May 18th! I changed my criminal law clasds to Political Science 201. I will be taking that class online so I will be free on Thursday nights, as I have been selected to attend the F.B.I.'s citizens academy starting May 21st! I got the call the other day and am definitely looking forward to that! We are 1-4 in softball losing our last game 10-8, and then last night 17-15. We are doing good, just losing some close games! I am batting .650 now so trying to do my part. Working out is going good, going at least 4 times a week and really like the YMCA. What about that wreck at Talladega this weekend!!! Glad no one got hurt. Other than that just getting ready for school, bowling on Mondays and Thursdays and playing softball on Monday nights. I suck at I blowled a 213 one time and a 201 but only carry a 135 average, that game is aggravating!

Take Care,

Monday, April 20, 2009

RCSD Citizen's Academy Graduation

Richland County (WLTX) -- The streets in Richland County are little safer Wednesday night thanks to some local residents.

Twenty-eight citizens graduated from the Richland County Sheriff's Department Citizen's Police Academy.

Sheriff Leon Lott, along with family and friends, celebrated the graduation at the Columbia Ramada Hotel.

Lott says these citizens went through a 12-week program designed to provide an overview of the department's structure, services, and personnel. He says the mission of the Citizen's Police Academy is to provide a forum for police through community interaction; to identify community problems, needs and concerns; and to foster a partnership with the community that will solve problems and work towards creating a safer environment.

Those who enroll in the academy have the opportunity to participate in the following courses: Uniform Patrol Division, Investigations, Narcotics Enforcement, Gang Unit, Special Response Team, Physical Evidence, Canine Unit, School Resources Officers, Deputy Sheriff Selection, Professional Standards, Youth Crime, Victim's Assistance and the Training Division. Lotts states that citizens participate in several hands-on demonstrations that give them a more realistic view into what law enforcement officers do on a day-to-day basis.

If you're interested in enrolling in the Citizen's Police Academy, the next one starts May 26th. Classes are held every Tuesday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. To apply, click here or call 576-3118.